again waiting for counts to rise
Since the last post, Mark's counts did eventually just scrape by the minimum and he was able to take another round of chemo at the end of June. Since then, he's still been riding high with his new biking passion and continues to put in 100+ miles every weekend.
Toward the end of August, Mark again started taking the blood tests to see if he was cleared to go back on the chemo. Unfortunately, his counts are still too low to go back on and we're waiting for his body to recoup since the last round. We're a little over 2 weeks late in the scheduled time he could take the drug, but we need his body to build back up before we can do so. Since Mark's MRIs had been clear all along, we're now on a 2 month schedule to receive the MRIs vs the 1 month plan we were previously on. His next MRI will be scheduled in mid-September and we will give you an update then.
So far, so good. Mark feels great and he's ramping up for the Ride for the Roses in Austin this October and will again be riding with his sisters as well as Lance Armstrong :)
We'd also like to have you all put our fellow warrior Tom & his family in your prayers. Tom recently passed away this weekend from a brain tumor and will be missed. Tom and his family have been a huge support to us since our first diagnosis and we want to continue to be there for them. We don't know what we would have done if we didn't first happen upon that first brain tumor support group...all of the members are a tremendous blessing to us all.
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