latest news
Mark definitely has a large pulmonary embolism which look like what caused the problems. His heart looks good, he lungs look good and currently no evidence of clots in his legs. Normally they would give high dose of anti-coagulant to thin the blood, but because of surgery this is most likely not advised. He currently has a low dose, but there are concerns that the dose isn't high enough to prevent any more clots from forming and going to the wrong place. We are trying to get consent to put in a filter in the groin that can help prevent any clots from getting higher than the legs as a precaution. His blood pressure was a bit low so he's on medication to help get it up and he is currently running a fever which may be caused by urinary infection that they are looking into. We are also working to get Mark up to UCLA. Looks like he might get to go by helicopter..which is what we are hoping!
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