Thursday, September 14, 2006

just keeps getting better

Appt 9/13/06
After fighting with the low counts for an extra week or so, Mark finally started Temodar on 9/1
He did complain a little bit of being tired this time around, but it could be due to all of the activity he did...long bike rides, surfing, etc....can't keep him still :)
At the appointment, the new scan looked noticably better, there was no new growth, the cavity was measurably smaller and the blood that was seen in the cavity last time around seems to be about gone. We still see the rim of contrast, but it is expected and appears unchanged. Since there is a pattern of low counts for Mark after taking chemo, we will now get counts checked at day 28 and 35 (previously 21 & 28). Next scan/appointment on November 8th.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

counts are up!

Mark's counts took a big jump (from 1.3 to 1.8) at the very end of August, so he was able to start up the Temodar again on 09/01/06 and just took his last dose yesterday. One more round of chemo, done! Coming up next, he'll have a MRI and follow-up doctor appointment on 09/13/06.

Still setting plans for the "Ride for the Roses" in Austin mid-October. Looks like his sisters may be riding with him again...Go Team PACE!!! Brock and I will be there to cheer them on :)