new week, hopefully no new challenges
At the time of the last post, the blood cultures weren't showing any growth, but by the next morning it does appear that there is an infection in the blood. The doctors thought they'd be able to stop antibiotics, but with the new findings they now know which one can target the infection that he has. Test are still out to see if they can determine the cause of the infection, but it is known to be in the blood. Pneumonia and urinary infections have been ruled out for now. He still isn't showing response to the pain tests where they put pressure on his nail bed to get a reaction. Normally when they do this test, a signal is sent to the brain and it triggers the reflex to pull away. They have stopped the feeding a bit for now, because he body doesn't seem to be processing it all yet and it can pile up in his belly. They are also trying to help him make it pass (nicest way I can say it). A lot of times when the body is in trauma, it focuses on the vital organs and the stomach isn't one of them and it can decline to pass things through without a little help. I did feel a couple of thumb squeezes yesterday, but the nurse advised the grip is a normal body reflex and it may not necessarily be triggered by command or response to me. :/ We don't have to believe her though. Also, over the weekend while I was there he demonstrated what is called posturing. This is where both arms stiffen and the shoulders roll in a bit. This is typically an indication that the brain is hypersensitive and sick. :( The nurse recommended no visitors except me and immediate family for now since he is extra sensitive to stimulus. Today Mark had a bite blocker in his mouth because he was trying to bite down on the breathing tube. The neurologist will be again conducting an EEG and a CT scan on the brain and I'll hopefully have some results this evening. Depending on the results he may try to ween down the seizure meds again that could may help him wake up a bit more. His lungs seem clear, his coloring is good and vitals are good. He still has a low grade fever but tylenol seems to help a bit.
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