the eyes have it
Last night as we were leaving, it seemed that he opened his eyes the biggest we've seen yet....almost got to see part of his iris. When Brock was saying good-bye, we think Mark was trying to give him a thumbs up. :) Today I spoke with the neurologist. He said that the eeg log looks pretty good and today he'll be ordering up an mri. He'll also be getting a sensory test (SSE) that will measure how the brain and spine are communicating with other parts of his body as well as another eeg. They say that all his reflexes seem hyper sensitive and there is a lot more "coughing"...translates to Mark has super active salivary glands so we're having to suction quite a bit. The nurse even showed me how to do it! This morning I was reading him all of the facebook posts and he really was trying hard to open his eyes. I saw alot more of his iris and now we're trying to see if he can work to focus his eyes purposefully. It seems like it is alot of effort for him to pull those lids up. Haven't felt much squeezing in his hand today, but today seems like he's really working to bat those eyes at us ;)
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