Thursday, December 22, 2011

some change in the scans

Had another MRI yesterday, but this time it looked like there were two new "hot spots" near the area we've been watching this year. The doctor says that it is not definite that it is tumor but is about 70% sure. He said that we could do further tests like dopa scans or other tests to get us to a 90% assurance, but they could take a while to schedule/get results, so he suggested that we treat it like it is tumor and take the next aggressive step to halt it. The next step is a different chemo called CCNU. Fortunately, it can be taken orally as well and slightly less side effects (ie constipation) than the temodar. This medication has a 1 pill, 42 day cycle (Temodar was 5 pills, 28 days). Since Mark is still within the 28 day cycle of his last round of Temodar, he has one more blood test to take on Monday to make sure he is cleared to start the new chemo. Luckily, the timing of this chemo and next blood tests/doctor appointments do not conflict with Mark's big Israel trip he's taking next week! So, Mark will get blood done on 12/26, leaves for Israel 12/27, will take the single dose of CCNU on 12/29, be in Israel til 1/17 and then will be back to start getting the weekly blood tests to assess his counts and how his body is tolerating the new chemo. He will also be taking a bottle of decadron (steroid) on the plane with him, in case the altitude/pressure causes any swelling and leads to a dull headache that makes him uncomfortable. His next MRI and doc appt are 2/8. If this medication works well, he can continue it for 5 more cycles. We're also going to be looking at which trials are available that Mark qualifies for as well. Surgery is not a good option at this point, since the area is too close to the speech zone. Mark actually feels fine, no change really, a bit tired, but no seizures.
