We had a great consultation with Dr. Wallace. She really knows her stuff! We now feel very confident in her abilities and her knowledge. Here are the results of our conversations...
Have you had success in fighting cancer without radiation/chemo?
some clients do this, but they are in the minority, I do have long term survivors that went this route (8 & 5 years)
and also a long term survivor (8 years) that did do radiation/chemo. It really depends on what you believe
is right for you, if you believe that radiation/chemo is the right thing to do, you'll do better with it
than if you were forced to use nutrition only.
*Other Diets*
We heard that an acidic body encourages cancer? Mostly true, but there are some studies that show that some cancers thrive in alkaline environment..
Fruits & veggies have direct effect of genes and can manipulate tumor suppressors, etc
Do you know about the blood type diet? There are similarities and differences (ie tomatoes, peppers, etc.) Don't worry
about the acidity of tomatoes, should be concerned with lectins of your blood and how they work with the various foods. Need foods compatible with your blood type
that don't "glue to your cells". If you're having trouble with your immune system, (WBC <400,000) then you should be sticking closer to
the blood type diet. We will need to fax blood reports once a month so that these kind of levels can be watch and responded to. Following
the blood type diet boosts your immune system, but it also excludes foods that can help reduce tumor (i.e. lycopene - tomatoes). You need
to watch your body and decide what is best, if you want the most cancer fighting action with food, you may have to deal with a more supressed
immune system and boost it with other supplements (i.e. c & selenium). It is probably important for now to make sure you are eating the
foods that help fight the tumor (i.e. standard radiation/lycopene (18mg) has studies that show 80% had tumor regression at the end of radiation vs 40% that had no lycopene)
Eat plenty of red and pink veggies/fruits to get this benefit.
There is a contreversory about antioxidants during radiation, antioxidants in food are actually more potent than supplements.
There haven't been any studies that showed antioxidants had an adverse effect on radiation except for synthetic antioxidants.
There are studies that show selenium is good for brain tumor patients because of its ability to reduce inflammation.
We have pH strips, what should we be looking for? When your testing you're realy checking on your body's response to what you've been doing over the past (functional testing)
If youa re going to test, you would need to give the body a certain challenge and be consistent about how/when you to test to determine if what you're doing with your
diet is effective. For example, one test is to eat an acidic diet for 3 days, take urine ph to see how you respond, if you were
very alkaline,it may indicate that your body is making ammonia, if you tested acidic it may indicate that you did not have enough minerals,
or if you tested ok then your body has what it takes to counter balance the acidity.
Ph testing is not essential to do for bain cancer, but is important to check in colon or lung cancers.
Are you familiar with Evan Ross? Yes. They are friends. They often consult with each other, he refers to her for nutrition and she refers
to him for Chinese herbs and acupuncture.
What to use as a thickener? Arrowroot would be ideal, kudzu is a sea vegeatable that is a great thickener(some studies show it may help for cancer), cornstarch
What kind of pan to use that won't stick? I do use non-stick, but rarely...egg only, low heat only
I prefer to steam/saute with broth, water, spices then covering to cook.
We like Indian food...Indian food is great for us, she will get us a title/author of a recommended indian cookbook.
Why give us recipe with ham (ie mung soup recipe)? There are studies that show mung beens as a radiation helper. At the bottom
of the recipe there should have been a disclamer to not use ham and what you could substitute; however, this may have gotten cut
off at the bottom of the fax?
We read that curcumin can interfer with chemo, but it was listed as something we should take during chemo?
curcumin interacts with cytoxin chemo, but ok with temodar
Can we cook with alcohol? yes, because alcohol will boil off
What about drinking wine? Not known abou the effect for brain tumors, be careful with seizure drugs, can also raise blood sugar. If you do partake, drink with meal
Pacific brand of broths is great for cooking, even organic chicken, mushroom, etc.
Are there any other sources to buy supplements? It seems quite expensive. If you have family member who is in practice you can get discount, another good source is www.iherb.com
Concentration of pomegranate - at risk of too much antioxidants during radiation? High concentration could be highly astringent and may worsen constipation. Stick to 1oz or less a day.
Were leaning toward the radiation/chemo plan for supplements. Once off radiation, what are the limits to consuming foods/supplements on your diet? Should we be concentrating on the rest of them in your list?
We will need to run some of the tests that she recommends after radiation and use it as a guide as to what supplements are good
Currently, continue to follow radiation/chemo supplements and add to current - selenium/thymus for immune boostings and boswania as an anti-inflammitory
Why wasn't thymus listed in radiation complementary section but was in the quick chart? should be in both, nice catch
If he takes Taurine, should he not take bromelain? Should they not be taken together?
Taurine explanations says take away from bromelian (p84)?
Use taurine if you have seizures (it is a protein), bromelein needs to be taken withouut protein, use taurine if you are having seizures or are run down with radiation
trouble taking supplements on time...separate into packets, easier than opening all the bottles
check multi-vitamin for copper, there should be no more than a 10th mg
100% whole wheat, OK or not? type 0/B not good with whole wheat, not so bad for A, but watch out for glycemic index. If choosing whole wheat products be sure to choose high fiber choices 3-4g
hole grain bagel with lox? raw is ok, smoked is not so great, but no research on effect with brain tumors, use multi-vitamin with smoked/lunch meat because studies show vitamins c/e help counteract nitrates in these
sushi good, but not if WBC is below 2.5/2.0
Is sheep cheese legal? yes
How about organic cheese that doesnt say grass fed? The organic standard means that a cow must be on pasture 50%. During summer should be good, but in winter months may not be...buy cheese from CA, buy from Organic Pastures in No. CA.
How about buttermilk powder lilsted in the ingredients of mixes? should be fine, very little fat
Suggest brand name of grass fed dairy products in store: Strauss Family Farms, Cowlgirl Creamery, Organic Pastures (they have a great ice cream)
low fat cheese (mozzarella, parmasean) if not organic - when buying orgainc, get full fat
Is juicing vegetables good enough to get adequate servings? For 2 serving ok. Don't just use just carrot add others. Don't use it as your only way to get veggie servings because you need the fiber to create butyrate (in burzyinski's treatment) in your gut
Are corn chips w/o forbidden ingredients that are not organic legal? yes, but not daily
Carob? very good, no drawbacks
Expeller soybean oil or canola in ingredients - neutral, source of omega 6 fats and in ingredients usually small amount, don't cook with it our use as base
Whats the best way to get purified water? reverse osmosis (filter is expensive) can get this filtered water from health food stores by filling up your own bottles,
biggest problem is copper - Britta/Pur will get rid of it
Flouride a concern? not for brain tumors.
What is the best bottled water? get the assay from each company and check copper levels
*Other Food*
What deep sea fish? (halibut, roughy) any cold water deep sea fish, the larger the fish more likely to have mercury, sardines are best, chunk lite tuna has low mercury, but albacore is higher
Items not listed under either (emphasis or avoid/limit) list ok? (ie garbonzo) very healthy, can make hummus with tempeh too
*Other Medical*
Any correlation with nightmares? nightmares are often evidence of a vitamin B defficiency; however, I'm going to look into this further
Any correlation with anger? brain tumors may have been in your head for years, anger is a common side effect
Candida test & cure? burberine best to fight candida and is also a radio sensitizer, limit sweets, there is a test ($250) can get a test kit
Athletes foot related? yes, underlying immune suppression trying to fight brain tumor and not athletes foot/candida etc. need to focus on immune support
We know Tom Atkinson and he lives in our area who is also one of your patients.
We want to have our soil and water tested, do you know what cancer-causing toxins we should test for?
Since whatever caused your cancer probably happened many, many years ago, it is usually best to test what your body has been exposed to and not what is currently in your environment.
Check for toluene, heavy metals (hair analysis) and maybe get an ion profile (measures everything, candida, organic acids (chemical, pesticides, solvents) but is expensive
You're first exposed to something that damaged cells, cancer doesn't develop until 5-20 years later, immune system usually gets
rid of bad cells in your system, but after cancer cells have evaded dna repair and immune system, then there is something that
usually acts as an agent that promotes it to grow into a tumor.
NJ/NY high brain tumor clusters also in CO and Seattle (close to airport)
Exxon had brain tumor cluster
liver takes toxins and makes them more water soluble (Phase 1 and makes them carcenogen) then binds to protein then excretes it (phase 2)
many people that have cancer don't have enough phase 2 and more phase 1
for stage 3/4 cancers we don't focus on detox, but anti-inflammitory
for Andrea/Brock, be sure to eat good root foods, and get liver support
*upcoming tests*
c reactive protein run tests 10 days after last day of radiation
immune support
copper test